Posts in Organizational Culture
Teri And Keri

I walked into my meeting with the marketing team, and you could feel it; they didn’t want to be there. Tension was in the air. This was my first meeting with them, and I immediately had concerns. Something was going on, but I wasn’t sure what it was.

One thing I knew for sure: Teri – who had been on the team for years - was a very difficult human. While most of her team sat near the front of the small conference room, she sat in the back next to the door. The physical distance between Teri and her teammates mirrored the emotional distance. Her body language screamed, “I am miserable,” and her tone and choice of words only reinforced this message.

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Monkeys, a Ladder, and One Banana

“And why do you do it that way?"


Eventually, the Executive Director spoke up. "Well, that's just the way we do it. We've always done it that way. That's what works for us." I watched as others in the room smiled and slowly nodded their heads.

I paused and replied, "But is this actually working for you?"

I've had this same conversation with countless clients. Sometimes it's a corporate leader, a non-profit executive director, a college coach, an entrepreneur, or an educator. The reality is, we all get sucked into a world of unquestionable patterns and comfortable routines.

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It’s. Not. My. Luggage.

Today started early. Way too early.

Last night, I arrived at my hotel a little after 11pm. I tried to go right to bed, but my brain would not power down. After a night of tossing and turning and solving all the world's problems, my alarm jolted me back to life at 5:30am.

I took a shower, drank some tea, ate a Power Crunch bar, repacked my stuff, and checked out of my hotel by 6:30 am. I got in my rental car and headed to a college campus for a full day of meetings.

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The Canaries

Time is an interesting thing. I would panic if you told me I had to get my blood drawn for 10 minutes. However, if you told me I would get a massage for 10 minutes, I would be disappointed.

If I had an upcoming flight and my ticket said it would take 31 hours to travel from St. Louis to South Florida, I would look for a new travel agent, but a 31-hour trip from St. Louis to South Africa sounds exciting.

So, was the year 1633 a long time ago? Compared to my time on Earth, yes. Compared to the dinosaur footprints I once visited in Bolivia, 1633 does not seem so long ago.

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